Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tim Burton at LACMA

I went to catch the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA today just in case I get into a class next week at the local community college. (I'm still on the wait-list). The exhibit was UH-mazing! I have to admit I haven't seen all his films and am not a fanatic fan of his; But I am definitely an admirer and now even more so than before. It is the sheer volume of his work and tenacity that really amazes me. I want to learn to work with such abandon.

Here is a Tim Burton balloon character at the old main entrance. So cute!
The best part was seeing a hand-written letter Mr. Burton wrote when he was probably still in high school to the editor at Disney. He asked that the "Dear Sir" might consider his book for publication with a (not-so) rough dummy attached. The editor wrote back a long and encouraging letter pointing out the strengths of his book. It was wonderful to see how bold Mr. Burton was/is and the important of having belief in one's own work. 

LACMA is so big now that it takes a lot of energy to walk through all of it. But I always want to visit the Broad building because it is like visiting old friends. The first time I viewed the Eli Broad collection was with a class at Art Center when it was still in private collection and housed in a storage building in Santa Monica. How cool was that! 
"Last Chance Lost"
A bed/caterpillar?
Here's me trying to take a picture of myself with the
Jeff Koons balloon dog in the reflection of the Jeff Koons egg. 

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